
Somewhere along the way, it became uncouth and pompous to believe in yourself. 

Not the kind of belief that allows you to say, “I’m a good person, concerned for the environment, and fiercely loyal to my friends.” Everybody and their mother has a bio somewhere with the same socially acceptable accolades of self. 

I’m talking the kind of belief that allows you to exclaim, “I’m brilliant.” 

“Well, who do you think you are?! The next Einstein?” 

“Oh, nice. We’ve got a brilliant one!” 

“Pump the brakes a little, bud.”

To stand firmly behind yourself and say something too generous or complimentary is a social faux pas. But why? Why can’t we believe in ourselves? 

Someone along the way told us the opposite. And they got the majority vote. We gave it to them. 

I’m here to re-claim my narrative. 

I’m brilliant. 

What’s your narrative?